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Saturday, January 28, 2017

It is all in your attitude!

Good evening!

Now that the dust has settled, I am back to my blog.

First off, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the heartwarming response I received from my last post. I went back and forth trying to decide if I should post it or not, and I realize now that it was for the best. I was voicing some my deepest thoughts and it turns out I wasn't alone. Solidarity is important these days, and it was nice to feel connected to others.

On the flip side, I realize that some might have seen that post as me whining about the business, but I wanted to portray my insight on the business that I have experienced. The older I get the more I realize that honouring my feelings and being myself helps me to become a better artist. The following quote also really inspired me to take the negative and turn it into positive:

"Take your broken heart and turn it into art."
-Carrie Fisher

Since writing that post I have had more motivation, inspiration and energy to give it my all. I think there are many different factors that play into this, but I am embracing the new me. Right now I truly feel art can really make a difference and I want to do all I can to help!

So far January has been a great month of discovery. I have found new things in my voice and have been working on myself a lot. Today marks two months of being vegan (which has been so much fun- as I am cooking more and exploring new tastes etc.) I find it has given me a new look on life and much more energy to pursue my goals. Another one of my resolutions was to "disconnect more" (aka social media/phones etc.) which would also mean connecting with others and my atmosphere. So far, I think I could work a little harder at that, but I still have the rest of the year to catch up!

In conclusion, I would encourage anyone reading this to try and turn all negative thoughts or experiences into positive ones. We can dwell on the past, but what does that do? Nothing. Albert Einstein said: "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character." 

On that positive note, I must disconnect now! Happy 2017!

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